SGVCOG Donation Drives

Through targeted donation drives across the San Gabriel Valley, Village 143 aims to support people experiencing homelessness by collecting essential items to help them meet their basic needs. The goal of this program is to assist those experiencing homelessness, leading with compassion and empathy, and building relationships with local organizations, service providers, and city partners.
Village 143 was started in 2022 and is named after the pager code for "I Love You" to remind all of us to love each other and support our neighbors through acts of kindness.
SGVCOG will host a new donation drive or event each quarter to help unhoused SGV community members. Check back for additional information about future Village 143 donation drives!
Spring Cleaning Supplies Drive
Current Drive - Winter/Spring 2024
With the new year underway, we will soon be entering Spring Cleaning season. There is a high need for cleaning supplies to help support residents at local interim housing sites and those experiencing food insecurity in the San Gabriel Valley. These items are especially important during this time of year with the increased chance of spreading respiratory illnesses.
Your donations can help our vulnerable and unhoused neighbors feel safe and comfortable by providing new and unopened cleaning supplies. Pick up some extra supplies on your next trip to the store and bring them with you to our next in-person meeting. You may also order items from our wishlist and have them delivered to our office.
Please consider donating today and help us spread the word about our cause. Share our flyer with your networks!
Donate today!
Click here to visit our Amazon wishlist
Send donations to SGVCOG at 1333 S. Mayflower Avenue, Suite 360, Monrovia, CA, 91016
Give to our PayPal
Email e-gift cards to Victoria Urenia at
Please send all donations by March 21, 2024
For any questions about the drive, please contact Victoria Urenia at

Program Accomplishments
In June 2022, the program collected enough menstrual hygiene products to create more than 150 Positive Period Packs, which were distributed through service providers in the SGV.
In September 2022, the program supported the opening of SGVCOG's interim shelter site, Serenity Homes, for families experiencing homelessness. Staff coordinated donations and volunteer engagement to make the site a welcoming home for the families.
In October 2022, SGVCOG partnered with Pomona College to assemble 150 snack kits, 300 activity kits for children, and 500 hygiene kits.
In December 2022, more than 100-holiday gifts were donated to 13 families experiencing homelessness at Serenity Homes.
In July 2023, we collected 524 pairs of socks and 106 pairs of shoes which were distributed to 4 San Gabriel Valley homeless service providers.
In October 2023, SGVCOG partnered with Pomona College for their Founders Day event and assembled more than 900 hygiene kits, activity kits and snack kits that were distributed to our 3 interim housing sites and 6 additional service providers.
As part of our 2023 Beat the Heat Drive, we collected 9 cases of water, 45 granola bars, 72 packs of trail mix and 24 individual tubes of sunscreen to be distributed during homeless street outreach.