Title VI Notice
Last Updated: March 27, 2025
The San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments, under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, ensures “No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.”
The San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments (SGVCOG) affirms its commitment to complying with Title VI requirements ensuring equitable access to all programs, activities, and services. This policy applies to all employees, contractors, consultants, and sub-recipients of federal funds.
The SGVCOG will comply with Title VI requirements for all programs and services delivered to the public. The established implementation plan serves as a guide and a reflection of commitment to preserving civil rights for all individual group beneficiaries of Agency programs and services.
Title VI Coordinator Contact Information
Manager of Administrative Services
(626) 457-1800
You have a right to file a complaint if you believe that SGVCOG or one of its contractors has discriminated against you. To report your complaint, please complete the Title VI Complaint Form and mail or email to the contact below:
Mailing Address:
San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments
Administrative Services Department
Title VI Coordinator
1333 South Mayflower Avenue, suite 360
Monrovia, CA 91016
Email: Admin@SGVCOG.org
You may also file a complaint directly with the following state and federal agencies:
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)
Title VI Liaison, District 7
100 S. Main Street, 12th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Federal Transit Administration
U.S. Department of Transportation
Office of Civil Rights
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
8th Floor E81-102
Washington, DC 20590
By email: CivilRights.FHWA@dot.gov or FHWA.TitleVIcomplaints@dot.gov
Your Title VI complaint must be filed in writing within 180 days of the alleged discrimination date. SGVCOG will endeavor to complete an investigation within 90 days. If more information is needed to evaluate the complaint, Title VI staff will contact you.