SGVCOG was awarded funding from the Southern California Association of Government (SCAG) Regional Early Action Program (REAP) Subregional Partnership Program. REAP is intended to help accelerate housing production throughout the SCAG region, which includes the San Gabriel Valley, and have a net-positive effect on housing supply by increasing housing planning, meeting the sixth cycle regional housing needs assessment (RHNA). The planning activities are to accommodate the development of housing and infrastructure that will accelerate housing production in a way that aligns with state planning priorities, housing, transportation, equity, and climate goals and regional priorities.
Based on research and assessments among the SGVCOG Homelessness Policy Committee, Homelessness Working Group, and San Gabriel Valley Regional Housing Trust (SGVRHT), the following five programs received funding:
Affordable Housing Incubator
The Affordable Housing Incubator offered member cities access to expert consultants to advance housing goals and increase affordable housing. These technical resources resulted in support for accessory dwelling unit (ADU) programs – including templates for ADU pre-approved plan and marketing materials –, evaluations of inclusionary housing feasibility and SGVRHT bond issuance feasibility, and customizable resources such as comprehensive guides for affordable housing on city-owned land and ready-to-use RFP templates.
SGV Surplus
Land Inventory
This project created an inventory of publicly-owned land (e.g. city-owned, County-owned, public agency-owned) and privately-owned sites (e.g. faith-based and nonprofit organizations) that could potentially serve as sites for affordable and/or homeless housing development.
SGV Regional Community Land Trust Feasibility Study
This project assessed the feasibility of developing a San Gabriel Valley Regional Land Trust, creating a best practices report and framework to address land costs as a barrier to affordable housing. The proposed Land Trust would acquire vacant or underutilized properties and lease them long-term to developers for affordable housing. The San Gabriel Valley Regional Housing Trust (SGVRHT) will use this report and framework to establish a Land Trust.
Loan Fund
This project helped the San Gabriel Valley Regional Housing Trust (SGVRHT) set-up a revolving loan fund. The SGVRHT is administering a revolving loan fund that will provide $8 million for cities and developers seeking predevelopment, acquisition, or pre-construction loans to assist in their development of affordable housing. To learn more about the revolving loan fund and apply for funding, visit the SGVRHT website.