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SGVCOG annually adopts an agenda of local, state, and federal legislative objectives in the core regional policy areas of water, transportation, housing, homelessness, energy, and the environment, aligning closely with the adopted Strategic Plan and in support of its member agencies. Over the course of this past year, the SGVCOG made significant progress and achieved numerous legislative objectives. The 2025-2026 Legislative Agenda continues a number of objectives initiated under previous agendas and includes new objectives responsive to emerging issues and challenges, notably in the areas of Broadband and Mental Health policy.


The 2025-2026 Legislative Priorities were officially adopted by the SGVCOG Governing Board on January 16, 2025.


​​​SGVCOG supports principles of good governance focused on local decision-making autonomy, commonsense rules for effectively conducting public business, and tax and revenue policies that support the delivery of key services.  Specifically, the SGVCOG supports and advocates for: 

  • Restoring or maintaining local control over key resources-related decisions including but not limited to land use and zoning, housing development, water access, use, and conservation, the production of clean and recycled water, and local revenue raising ability. 

  • Protecting local revenues that are critical to health, safety, mobility, and recreational opportunities for San Gabriel Valley residents. 

  • Maximizing the effectiveness of regional bodies like COGs, MPOs, Special Districts, and JPAs in their efforts to effectively and efficiently conduct their business. This includes but is not limited to sensible revisions to modernize the Brown Act to allow local and regional agencies flexibility in teleconferencing to conduct official meetings. 

  • State funding, incentives, and grant programs to help local and regional agencies meet state mandates.



Energy Funding, Regulation and Incentives

SGVCOG supports the promotion of energy efficiency and conservation, renewable energy expansion, and energy affordability. The SGVCOG seeks to advocate for a balanced and sustainable mix of energy sources that provide reliable and environmentally responsible electricity at competitive rates. Specifically, the SGVCOG supports and advocates for:

  • Efforts to secure funding for energy efficiency projects, such as
    tax-credits, grants, or incentives.

  • Southern California Regional Energy Network (SoCalREN) energy programs.

  • Renewable energy generation and storage.

  • Net-zero, balanced, sustainable energy use.

  • Municipal energy benchmarking.

  • Community choice aggregation.

​SGVCOG supports flexibility to allow local and regional agencies to meet state and federal established targets, goals, and planning requirements given limited or already encumbered resources. Specifically, the SGVCOG supports and advocates for:

  • The completion of emissions inventories, the establishment of appropriate reduction targets, and the creation of climate action plans in accordance with state and federal policies.

  • Increased support through funding, regulations, and technical assistance, to help local and regional agencies meet state and federal climate directives.


Compliance with State Regulations

Electric Vehicles, Fleets, and Charging

SGVCOG supports infrastructure improvements, policy changes, and funding streams related to meeting state and federal vehicle emissions reduction targets. Specifically, the SGVCOG supports and advocates for:

  • Local agencies as they adopt hydrogen or electric vehicle fleets.

  • Commonsense upgrades to the grid to support the increase in electric vehicle charging.

  • Energy management policies that anticipate challenges associated with the adoption of zero emission vehicles.

  • Training workers to facilitate the adoption of new charging and vehicle operation processes.

  • Efforts to vet and deploy new methods or technologies.

  • The reduction of vehicle emissions through increased fuel efficiency, use of appropriate alternative fueled vehicles, and low emission vehicles in public agency fleets.

  • The expansion of electric vehicle charging stations.


SGVCOG supports the identification, acquisition, creation, or preservation of and access to open space in the San Gabriel Valley. Specifically, the SGVCOG supports and advocates for:

  • Developing greenbelts and greenways, protecting wildlife corridors, promoting public outreach and awareness, and incentivizing strategic development to protect open space.

  • Identifying funding opportunities to support the above goals and to expand the Neighborhood Coyote Program and provide other wildlife-related programs.

  • Identifying funding to provide and promote access to recreational opportunities and open space including the development of regional recreational facilities and parklands.



SGVCOG supports the reduction of wildfire risk, promotes wildfire prevention planning, and seeks to identify and secure funding for wildfire programs in the San Gabriel Valley. Specifically, the SGVCOG supports and advocates for:

  • Legislation that reduces wildfire risk, promotes wildfire prevention planning in San Gabriel Valley communities, and addresses evolving needs relating to homeowners’ insurance in high-risk fire areas.

  • Funding opportunities to assist with wildfire prevention planning, brush clearance, hazardous fuel mitigation, or expanding or implementing the Fire Prep SGV and SGV Community Wildfire Protection Programs.


SGVCOG supports sustainable waste management that contributes to a healthier environment for current and future generations. Specifically, the SGVCOG supports and advocates for:

  • Legislation and regulation pertaining to expanding organics waste management including food recovery, municipal composting, and alternative renewable energy procurement.

  • Sustainable waste management practices and initiatives such as zero waste initiatives, expanded plastic recycling or reduced plastic use, expanded curbside recycling, regional conversion technologies, or product stewardship.


SGVCOG supports enhanced local authority regarding air quality standards and improvements. Specifically, the SGVCOG supports and advocates for:

  • Cities’ authority to establish local air quality standards and programs that are stricter than state and federal standards.

  • Legislation that increases funding dedicated to local cities to reduce mobile source pollution.

  • Legislation and funding dedicated to supporting locally based air quality programs.




Wildlife and Open Space

Wildlife Preparedness


Waste Management

Air Quality


SGVCOG supports state, federal, and local legislative policies and funding that promote solutions to homelessness. Specifically, the SGVCOG supports and advocates for: 


  • Homelessness programs administered by COG and its member agencies.

  • Programs that encourage workforce development activities for persons experiencing homelessness.

  • Projects and programs that address quality of life issues, including public safety and water quality for all residents, including homeless persons.

  • Permanent supportive housing (PSH) resources dedicated to those with mental illness, including through project-based housing, tenant based rental assistance, and Los Angeles County’s “restorative care village” model.

  • Homelessness programs, and the construction and operation of interim and permanent housing units in the San Gabriel Valley.

Programs, Services and Housing

 Addressing Contributing Factors of Homelessness

  • Programs aimed at preventing people from falling into homelessness, including innovative local programs instituted by local cities.

  • Solutions to homelessness and additional resources and for those facing mental health and/or substance abuse challenges.



  • Efforts to better meet the needs of those who require a higher level of care than PSH, including by increasing the State payment rate for licensed board and care homes, as well as one-time funding necessary to prevent the closure of such facilities.

  • Direct allocation of State and Federal funding, including but not limited to the Homeless Housing Assistance and Prevention (HHAP) Program, to sub-regional entities in addition to continuums of care (CoCs) and jurisdictions greater than 300,000 people.

  • Promoting the allocation of Measure H resources towards cities’ projects and programs – as well as regional projects and programs – that work to solve the homelessness crisis in the San Gabriel Valley.

  • An expanded funding base to address homelessness but ensure transparency, accountability and regional equity in terms of funding for local cities.



  • Promoting collaboration between the County of Los Angeles and the San Gabriel Valley cities in implementing projects, policies, and programs that work to solve the homelessness crisis in the San Gabriel Valley.

  • Reforms to the structure and function of the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) and/or elements of the County homeless services system including BRCH recommendations, to better meet the needs of the San Gabriel Valley.

  • Efforts, funding, and partnerships with the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health (DMH) to implement locally-based alternative crisis response models, particularly as relates to non-violent crises by people experiencing homelessness.

  • Enhanced data gathering and sharing to advance understanding of and response to homelessness among all regional public and non-profit agencies to supplement the annual Point-in-Time count.






  Collaboration and Reform

SGVCOG supports initiatives, legislation, and policies that promote the development of affordable housing to address California’s housing crisis, while balancing the right of local jurisdictions to retain decision making power over planning matters. Specifically, the SGVCOG supports and advocates for: 

  • Restoring or maintaining local control of land-use and affordable housing development policies. 

  • Incentives and grant funding intended to encourage housing production, particularly affordable housing development (very low-, low-, and moderate-income housing). 

  • Providing local cities with greater flexibility and tools to meet their Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) targets, especially for affordable housing. 













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  • Commonsense reforms to maximize efficiency and transparency in the RHNA process.

  • Research and pilot programs designed to test and evaluate innovative housing policies. These may include, but are not limited to interim housing development, nontraditional shelter options, new financing options, and advantageous bidding and procurement processes.

  • Financial incentives and tax advantages (such as the waiver of property value reassessments) for the construction of accessory dwelling units, particularly when they are restricted to house low-income individuals.

  • San Gabriel Valley representation and regional equity in the allocation and directed use of funds intended to support affordable and market rate housing development, prevent and reduce homelessness, and support rental or homebuyers’ assistance. 

  • Funding, particularly for sustainable, statute-directed revenues, and eligibility criteria that support Regional Housing Trusts, including but not limited to the San Gabriel Valley Regional Housing Trust.


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SGVCOG supports state, federal, and local legislative policies and funding opportunities that promote mental health wellbeing and support for those living with mental illness. Specifically, the SGVCOG supports and advocates for the following:

  • Funding for regionally-equitable programs, including those that emphasize prevention, and housing, especially that creates more bed capacity for those experiencing mental illness and substance use disorders, that provide additional resources to assist those experiencing mental illness and/or substance use disorders in the San Gabriel Valley.

  • Ongoing regionally-equitable funding for schools, local educational agencies, and providers to properly execute mental health programs, and implement training and resources for staff.


  • ​Improved linkages between mental health programs including those between Los Angeles County departments.

  • Legislation that provides funding and resources for mental illness prevention, addressing the root causes of mental illness and support for those experiencing mental health challenges.

  • Opportunities to encourage growth and retention in the mental health workforce. This includes but is not limited to policies that support competitive wages, education benefits and incentives, and multi-year contracts for mental health professionals.

  • Recommending the County of Los Angeles Board of Supervisors and other public entities, such as the State, community college districts, and school districts evaluate the use of surplus or underutilized public facilities for mental health treatment and housing for mental illness.

  • Responsible data collection and transparency for mental health programs and bed availability for facilities that provide mental health services to ensure accountability and effectiveness while also minimizing duplication of programs.




SGVCOG supports policies and programs that facilitate the funding and delivery of key transportation and capital projects in the San Gabriel Valley. Specifically, the SGVCOG supports and advocates for: â€‹


  • The expansion of public transit projects and services, both bus and rail, in the region to reduce congestion, enhance sustainability, and improve mobility options to expand high-transit use. This may include but is not limited to funding for the Metro Gold Line Foothill Construction Authority to complete the Metro A Line extension to Montclair, additional and expedited funding to implement project components recommended through the findings of the SGV Transit Feasibility Study, increased support and funding for local bus operators, and first-last mile enhancements connecting to public transit. 

  • Strengthening transit rider safety, support, and wellbeing through adequate supportive services and diligent outreach efforts.

Enhanced Transit Service and Operation


  • Funding for federal and state funding programs that are advantageous to SGVCOG or its member agencies. This may include but is not limited to programs that support goods movement capacity, driver, pedestrian, and cyclist road safety, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and the delivery of key resources to residents, businesses, and municipalities. 

    • Pursue federal funding for transportation and capital projects under SGVCOG’s project management. This may include but is not limited to programs funded by the FAST Act, Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021 (IIJA), the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA).

    • The timely submission of funding requests, grant applications, or specific budget earmarks to ensure San Gabriel Valley transportation and capital projects and programs are timely allocated or awarded Metro-administered funds, state funds, and relevant county-administered funds. 

    • Increased funding for state, federal, and local discretionary funding programs that support active transportation and first/last mile improvements in the San Gabriel Valley. 

  • Legislative language that would make SGVCOG and our member agencies eligible applicants or recipients for funding programs related to the planning, design, engineering, environmental approval, construction, improvement, maintenance, and repair of transportation and goods movement infrastructure. 

  • Investing in active transportation infrastructure as a component of other state-funded transportation improvement projects recognizing the critical role of walking, biking, and complete streets in connecting the multi-modal transportation system.



  • The study, planning, design, and delivery of transportation and capital projects in the San Gabriel Valley.

    • State and federal policies that accommodate local agency autonomy and flexibility in meeting state-directed planning policies, which may include but are not limited to planning documents, regulations, and goals.

    • The utilization of new and emerging technologies to improve the quality and scope of planning efforts. This may include but is not limited to the use of artificial intelligence tools, in keeping with relevant regulations and commonsense safeguards to privacy and public safety.

  • Legislative or administrative efforts to expedite environmental and permitting approvals and project delivery of San Gabriel Valley transportation and capital projects and programs. 

  • Continued collaboration with the San Gabriel Valley’s state and federal representatives, LA Metro, Foothill Transit, Metrolink, Caltrans, the County of Los Angeles, state agencies, the Coalition for America’s Gateways and Trade Corridors, the Mobility 21 Coalition, and other stakeholders in support of these legislative priorities and other matters that benefit San Gabriel Valley transportation and capital projects and programs. 

  • The development of transportation and capital projects best practices and funding guidelines beneficial to San Gabriel Valley transportation and capital projects and programs. This may include but is not limited to policies impacting the procurement and bidding process and eligibility for certain programs, benefits, and incentives. 

  • The development of the San Gabriel Valley Transit Feasibility Study, progress on the East San Gabriel Valley Sustainable Multimodal Improvement Project, and management of the San Gabriel Valley Regional Vehicle-Miles Traveled (VMT) programs in compliance with SB 743. 

  • The implementation of the GoSGV Regional E-Bike Share Program.



  • Safeguard the integrity of existing and future infrastructure with a priority on user safety, sustainability, and protecting long-term capital investments.

    • Support the maintenance and safety of existing bridges, railways, roads, pedestrian amenities, bus infrastructure, bicycle infrastructure, and water and sewage infrastructure. 

  • Funding and investments to expand broadband infrastructure throughout the San Gabriel Valley in conjunction with and to support other types of transportation and infrastructure projects. This may include but is not limited to efforts to install additional broadband capacity as new roads are constructed and projects that enhance broadband connectivity on public transit.


Project Funding

Project Delivery



SGVCOG supports state, federal, and local legislative or regulatory solutions in support of water conservation and water quality, particularly pertaining to stormwater quality and Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) compliance. Specifically, the SGVCOG supports and
advocates for: 


  • Legislative or regulatory solutions for adopting financial capability assessment guidelines in the issuance of MS4 permits that provide an economic analysis of the costs and benefits of water quality improvements, and for innovative projects or enhancements to 
    the implementation of the Safe Clean Water Program that allow cities to implement MS4 permit projects effectively, efficiently, and equitably. 

  • Water rights assignment to MS4 agencies for new infiltrated water outside of the Main San Gabriel Basin. 

  • Funding sources, including the Safe Clean Water Program, that provide on-going funding for the implementation of stormwater projects, including those that encourage producer responsibility.

  • Funding strategies and capital projects necessary to comply with the MS4 permit, such as the Rio Hondo Load Reduction Strategy (LRS).

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  • Reasonable metrics, monitoring, and standards of applicable water quality requirements with available funding. 

  • Legislative and funding solutions that support the treatment of water contamination from PFAS, PFOA, and other “forever chemicals” to ensure drinking water quality. 

  • Regional projects that provide drinking and stormwater quality, supply, and resiliency benefits to the San Gabriel Valley. 

  • The establishment of reasonable timelines for compliance with new drinking water standards.

Water Quality


  • Legislative and funding solutions that help local agencies implement plans for reduced water use, improved water conservation, reuse, and efficiency, investments in sustainable water infrastructure, supply and storage, and conservation practices that combat the ongoing drought. 

  • Regional coordination among cities and local water agencies in combating the ongoing drought and implementing water conservation best practices.

  • State and federal funding for low-income customers of publicly-owned water retail systems.

Water Security and Affordability


Blue Keyboard

​SGVCOG supports state, federal, and local legislative policies and funding that promote adequate broadband coverage in the San Gabriel Valley. Specifically, the SGVCOG supports and advocates for: 

  • Funding and investments to expand broadband infrastructure throughout the San Gabriel Valley to close the digital divide and provide access to reliable and affordable high-speed internet service for unserved and underserved communities.

  • Coordinated efforts to streamline project permitting and approvals to expedite broadband deployment. 

  • Safeguarding the integrity of existing and future broadband-related infrastructure with a priority on user safety and protecting long-term capital investments.

San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments

(626) 457-1800  | ​1333 S. Mayflower Avenue, Suite 360, Monrovia, CA 91016

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