Staff Liaison: Victoria Urenia, Management Analyst
The SGVCOG Homelessness Committee studies problems, programs, and other matters which pertain to the regional homelessness issues and provides policy direction to the Governing Board.
A quorum of the Homelessness Committee is 40% of its membership. A quorum of the membership must be present to take action on any items. All meetings of the Homelessness Committee are held in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code Section 54950 et seq.).
Regular meetings of the Homelessness Committee are held on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 8:30 AM at the SGVCOG Monrovia Office, 3rd Floor (1333 S. Mayflower Ave, Suite 360, Monrovia, CA 91016).
The Homelessness Committee includes the following members:
Chair: Becky Shevlin, City of Monrovia
Vice Chair: Margaret Clark, City of Rosemead
City of Arcadia
City of Azusa
City of Baldwin Park
City of Claremont
City of Duarte
City of El Monte
City of Glendora
City of Irwindale
City of Monrovia
City of Montebello
City of Pasadena
City of Pomona
City of Rosemead
City of South El Monte
City of South Pasadena
Los Angeles County Supervisorial District #1