The San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments (SGVCOG) is leading various efforts to address homelessness within the San Gabriel Valley region. Through actions taken through the Governing Board and the Homelessness Committee, directions were given to seek funding and resources for San Gabriel Valley cities to provide services to address the immediate need and assist individuals facing homelessness.
This webpage contains resources to help member cities address issues pertaining to homelessness within their communities.

On July 13, 2021, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors (BOS) approved the Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-2022 Measure H Funding Recommendations. These recommendations included $15 million for the LA County Councils of Governments (COGs) for the period from January 2022 through June 2023, to be allocated to each subregion based on the 2020 point-in-time (PIT) homeless count. Between January 2022 through June 2023, the SGVCOG is scheduled to receive a total of $3.525 million. In August 2021, the Governing Board approved allocating the Measure H funding to four program categories designed to serve a range of populations and to allow various options for cities to participate with little to no administrative burden, to participate more actively on a regional basis, and/or to develop more intensive city- or cohort-specific programs.
San Gabriel Valley Homeless, Mental Health, and Crisis Response Program
An initial program pilot phase of the San Gabriel Valley Homeless, Mental Health, and Crisis Response Program has launched Summer 2022 in the cities of Arcadia, La Verne, Monrovia, San Marino, and South Pasadena.
The program established alternative mobile crisis response teams to respond to and improve the outcomes of non-violent service calls and proactively engage youth in mental health. By dispatching clinicians and peer support navigators to non-violent service calls, the program will foster and build trust in communities that are calling out for change while freeing law enforcement to respond to the types of calls they are trained to handle.
For more information, please contact Sam Pedersen at: spedersen@sgvcog.org
Services to Supplement Existing Homeless Services Program

The Los Angeles Centers for Alcohol and Drug Abuse (LA CADA) is providing services for people experiencing homelessness or at-risk of homelessness to supplement services that currently exist in the region.
During general outreach, the team conducts outreach to known hotspots, and encampments, and incorporates new areas identified by the City or cohort personnel. The following are services that are being provided to City cohorts:
Street Outreach
Housing Navigation
Mental Health Support
Case Management
Homelessness Prevention and Problem Solving
Supportive Services
High Acuity and Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Focused Outreach and Services for Persons Experiencing Homelessness (PEH)

The Los Angeles Centers for Alcohol and Drug Abuse (L.A CADA) is delivering the trauma-informed, culturally responsive San Gabriel Valley High Acuity SUD-Focused Outreach and Services for PEH Program using evidence-based practices or elements of these practices. Services include:
Intensive case management, counseling, and peer support
Treatment services for substance use disorder (SUD), co-occurring disorders, and related supportive services
Medical and mental health treatment
Crisis housing and rapid rehousing assistance
Connections to other services, such as those available through CES and SGVCOG
Pilot Programs
The Pilot Programs test innovative direct homeless solutions and provide initial funding for the set-up or implementation of innovative pilot projects on a small scale. Cities are implementing the following Pilot Programs:
Azusa: Prevention/Diversion/Voucher Program will build the City’s capacity to reduce the impact of homelessness by sustaining the work of the library-based Neighborhood Connections program to continue to provide a multi-level, community-wide system to respond to the needs of individuals, seniors, and families experiencing and at-risk of homelessness.
Pomona, Claremont and La Verne Cohort: The Cities will administer a program to strengthen the continuum of care for people experiencing homelessness within their sub-region of the San Gabriel Valley by providing housing navigation services and interim housing access.
Monrovia: The City will administer the Family and Advocate Support Services (FASS) program focused on the whole household with a wraparound approach. The FASS Program will address the growing needs of the Housing Displacement Response Plan (HDRP) clients by offering enhanced resources through multidisciplinary case management.
Montebello: This program will support the Montebello Community Assistance Program (MCAP), which is the Fire Department’s para medicine/field-based program first response team.
Workforce Development Program

In 2021, SGVCOG received a $1 million state budget earmark to implement a regional workforce development program. The program provides paid job training, case management support, and wrap-around services for a variety of workforce opportunities for adults and transition-age youth experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, homelessness. The program also serves residents at the tiny home interim housing sites in Baldwin Park and Montebello. SGVCOG is collaborating with God’s Pantry and Goodwill Industries of Southern California to implement the program and is building additional partnerships. SGVCOG received a $2 million FY23 federal earmark to expand and continue the program. For questions or inquiries about the program, please contact msharkey@sgvcog.org.
Village 143

Village 143 was launched in March 2022 and aims to support individuals experiencing homelessness by collecting essential items through targeted donation drives across the San Gabriel Valley.
San Gabriel Valley Regional Housing Trust

The San Gabriel Valley Regional Housing Trust (SGVRHT) was formed in February 2020 as a Joint Powers Authority (JPA) to finance the planning and construction of affordable and homeless housing. The SGVRHT is governed by a nine-member Board of Directors composed of elected officials from seven cities that are members of the SGVRHT and two housing and homelessness experts. The SGVRHT currently boasts 22 member cities.