Staff Liaison: Steph Wong, Principal Management Analyst
The SGVCOG Governing Board is comprised of a delegate and alternate from each member city and the two Los Angeles County Supervisorial Districts (District 1 and District 5). The three municipal water districts in the San Gabriel Valley, including Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District (USGVMWD), San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District (SGVMWD), and Three Valleys Municipal Water District (TVMWD), share a single membership on the Governing Board.
The Governing Board has authority to conduct the affairs of the agency and implements the policy direction adopted in the SGVCOG Strategic Plan. Additionally, the Governing Board acts upon policy direction from SGVCOG committees and external agencies, appoints committees to study specific policies and programs, and approves the SGVCOG Annual Budget.
A quorum of the Governing Board is a majority of its of its membership. A quorum of the membership must be present to take action on any items. All meetings of the Governing Board are held in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code Section 54950 et seq.).
Regular meetings of the Governing Board are held according to a schedule adopted annually. Typically, meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month at 4:00 PM at the SGVCOG Monrovia Office, 3rd Floor (1333 S. Mayflower Ave, Suite 360, Monrovia, CA 91016), unless otherwise noticed.
1. July meeting canceled.
2. August meeting canceled.
3. September 19, 2024
4. October 10, 2024
5. November 21, 2024
6. December meeting canceled.
7. January 16, 2025
8. February 20, 2025
9. March 20, 2025
10. April 17, 2025
11. May 22, 2025
12. June 19, 2025