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RFQ 25-08 for the Purchase of E-Bikes
In 2022, the SGVCOG launched “GoSGV,” the region’s first longer-term electric bikeshare program. The SGVCOG contracts with local non-profit ActiveSGV to operate the bikeshare program which allows residents of the San Gabriel Valley to “check-out” either a commuter/city style or cargo style electric bike and use it as their own for an affordable monthly fee. Due to high demand for the limited fleet, cargo bikes are capped at 3-month membership periods.
The SGVCOG was recently awarded Regional Early Action Planning (REAP 2.0) funding by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), through the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro), to expand the GoSGV bikeshare program. As part of this expansion, the SGVCOG is looking to purchase roughly 69 new, high quality electric cargo bikes and electric trikes to increase the size of the GoSGV bikeshare fleet.
The new e-bikes will include at least 6 different models of long-tail and front-loader cargo bikes, and e-trikes to increase program access for residents with unique mobility needs. These e-cargo bikes and e-trikes will be integrated into the fleet of e-bikes available for check-out through the GoSGV program, specifically for residents of disadvantaged communities.
The E-Bike Purchase RFQ 25-08 is available here as of March 17th, 2025. Any written Addenda will be posted here and any Responses to Questions will be posted here per the timeline in the linked RFQ.
Key Dates
Please pay attention to the following dates and times, along with the submission instructions included in RFQ 25-08. Late submissions or incorrectly sent submissions will not be accepted.
March 17th, 2025: Request for Quotes (RFQ) Issued
March 24th, 2025 5:00 p.m.: Written Questions Due
March 31st, 2025 5:00 p.m.: Quotes Due
SGVCOG Contact
Randy Futch
Contracts Analyst
Planning & Programs Department
RFQ NO. 25-01 – Preliminary Engineering, Final Design and Outreach Services for the San Gabriel Valley Bus Rapid Transit Corridor Improvements Project-Segment 5
The San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments intends to select a qualified firm to provide preliminary engineering, final design and outreach services for the development of approximately 6.6 miles of Bus Priority Lanes (BPLs) along Valley Boulevard and Santa Anita Avenue.
Key details include:
Valley Boulevard Segment: Spanning 6.3 miles from Hacienda Boulevard to Santa Anita Avenue. Curbside lanes along Valley Boulevard (from San Angelo Avenue to Proctor Avenue) will be converted to BPLs, with buses operating in mixed-flow lanes outside these sections.
Santa Anita Avenue Segment: Covering 0.3 miles from Valley Boulevard to the El Monte Transit Center. Buses will operate in mixed-flow lanes throughout this segment.
The Project RFQ 25-01 is anticipated to be available on the PlanetBids website in April, 2025. Please register your firm with PlanetBids as all bid information, including the IFB, Questions & Answers, and all addenda and/or updates will be posted on PlanetBids.
Please contact Joan Powe at if you need additional information.