Staff Liaison: Yanin Rivera, Management Analyst
The SGVCOG Capital Projects and Construction Committee reviews, advises, and provides recommendations on construction projects throughout the San Gabriel Valley. The SGVCOG Governing Board has final approval authority with respect to any such projects and related implementation of agreements.
A quorum of the committee is 50% of its membership. A quorum of the membership must be present to take action on any items. All meetings of this committee are held in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code Section 54950 et seq.).
Regular meetings of the Capital Projects and Construction Committee are held quarterly on the first Monday (11 AM) of the specified month at the SGVCOG Monrovia Office, 3rd Floor (1333 S. Mayflower Ave, Suite 360, Monrovia, CA 91016).
2025 Meeting Schedule
January 6, 2025- Cancelled
February 3, 2025
April 2025
July 2025
October 2025
The President of the SGVCOG will be a member of this committee. A Los Angeles County Supervisor who represents a part of the San Gabriel Valley shall also serve as a Committee Member. Additionally, there are five regional representatives appointed from each of the following districts:
Northeast: Azusa, Claremont, Glendora, La Verne, San Dimas
Southeast: Covina, Diamond Bar, Industry, La Puente, Pomona, Walnut
Central: Baldwin Park, El Monte, Rosemead, South El Monte, Irwindale, West Covina
Southwest: Alhambra, Montebello, Monterey Park, San Gabriel, South Pasadena, Temple City
Northwest: Arcadia, Bradbury, Duarte, La Canada Flintridge, Monrovia, San Marino, Sierra Madre.
Members of the previous Alameda Corridor-East Construction Authority Board will continue to serve as voting members of this committee until the ACE grade separation project(s) within their respective cities have been completed.
The committee currently includes the following members:
Chair / Tim Hepburn / City of La Verne
Vice Chair / Ed Reece / City of Claremont
Hilda Solis / Los Angeles County Supervisorial District 1
Becky Shevlin / Immediate Past SGVCOG President / City of Monrovia
Cory Moss / City of Industry
Ruth Low / City of Diamond Bar
David Torres / City of Montebello
Tim Sandoval / City of Pomona
Sean Dang / City of Rosemead